Infertility Support

Your blessing (if it has not already) will come in some way, shape, or form!

Whenever in doubt, refer to the above! You are more than enough, and your self-worth is not tied to the ability to conceive a child.

10%-15% of couples suffer from infertility. That averages out to about one in eight couples. So that means you are not alone.

Some studies have shown that African American women are twice as likely as Caucasian women to suffer from infertility. However, African American women are half as likely to seek or receive care for infertility.

Stigmas exist involving African American women and infertility. Most African American women suffer in silence.

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of timed intercourse.

Many providers begin to treat women aged 35 and older after six months of timed intercourse without conception.

Fallopian tube issues, problems with ovulation, endometriosis, cervical or uterine abnormalities, cancer treatments, early menopause, adhesions in the pelvis, hormonal issues, poor egg quality, and diminished egg reserve are among the causes of infertility in women. Or it can be ultimately due to a diagnosis of unexplained infertility - which means that specialists do not know why you cannot conceive. For many, this can be the most frustrating.

However, infertility is not always caused by problems with the woman. There is male factor infertility. Male factor infertility can be caused by abnormally functioning sperm, blockages that can prevent delivery of sperm, or low production of sperm. Chronic health problems, injuries, illness, cancer treatments, and/or lifestyle can be causes of male factor infertility.

Surrogacy and adoption are becoming more common options for couples who desire children. If you are considering it, look into it! It may be the answer for you.

Seek care early on for any concerns about your reproductive health.

Be gentle with yourself.

You are worthy.

To join a community of support, follow IamPenelopeMcCown on social media:



RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

US Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health

World Health Organization

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

American Society for Reproductive Medicine


 Stay Encouraged. You've GOT this!


Disclaimer: Always consult with your individual reproductive specialist for any specific questions you may have in regards to your care.